Journey 1 — Discover You Series

Our thoughts, words and actions are our greatest power!

The First step…

The Discover You Series is a 5 week intensive virtual workshop. Once a week, you and me. From the comfort of your home, get clarity on all the ways you already show up for yourself, all the ways in which you block your success, and how to approach your life from a place of alignment with your core values and most authentic self.

(5 weeks $500/ 45 min sessions)
(Recommended for anyone new to Whole Person Life and Relationship Coaching)

Session 1 & 2. Web of Life

Purpose: The Web of Life is a tool that provides an assessment of the relative balance and level of satisfaction in multiple aspects of your life. Completing this tool, you’ll be able to see your life as a whole and choose which areas you’d like to focus on within the coaching relationship.

Session 3. Core Values and Goal Identification

The Values Identification is a self-assessment tool that supports clients to identify, prioritize and recognize the importance of their values as they relate to their total life happiness and satisfaction . Values are the guiding principles that serve as an inner compass as we navigate life. They influence our behaviors and actions, help us know right from wrong, inform many of our life choices and let us know whether we are on the right path as we move forward.

Session 4. Thoughts Emotions and Behaviors

The three pillars of mindfulness are “what am I thinking, what am I feeling, and what am I doing.” This awareness exercise is a self-assessment tool that aims to bring conscious awareness to a clients everyday thoughts, feelings, and actions and how those thoughts, feelings and actions influence their relationships and their reality. Coming back to the Web of Life as the foundation, we will explore the fundamentals of neurobiology, attachment theory, and Flight/Fight/Freeze/Fawn response, to gain a clearer picture of how you move through the world now, and how you can shift your thinking to create more well being and less stress, anxiety and depression overall. This exercise aims to empower the client by showing them how much control they really have, and how to harness that knowledge to activate change. Pulling from cognitive behavioral therapy this work helps you see how the power of the mind can be harnessed for the greatest good.

Session 5. Vision Into Action

The Vision into Action tool is the final step in this workshop series. We will utilize the information and self awareness gained in the previous sessions in order to help clients transform their vision, dreams, goals or desires into a well-formed outcome, supporting them to be radically clear about what they want to accomplish and how.

Journey 2 — Invest in a Relationship with Yourself




Focusing on You

Individual Mental Health and Relationship Tele-health Coaching on your schedule. Meet as often as you like, with empowering sessions to fit your busy life!

We will utilize the Whole Person Coaching method, considering the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social aspects of each client. In addition to active communication and goal setting, sessions may include brief meditation, body awareness work, and gentle, physical movement.

(45 min session $150/ sliding scale available upon request)

So what is whole person coaching?

Whole Person Coaching is a holistic transformational learning process based on the premise that when you come to fully embody, embrace, and express all aspects of your whole self, you are positioned to thrive in any aspect of life. You become rich in resources, grounded in your being, and at peace within.
The WPC methodology is firmly rooted in four distinct yet interrelated principles:
Wholeness: The client is whole, completely resourceful, and self-innovative.
Empowerment: The client leads the way by drawing on their innate power, creativity, and capacity.
Interdependence: The coaching relationship is co-creative and generative, where the coach and client work as a team to map out goals as well as actionable steps that will lead the client to success!
Self-Mastery: Through the coaching process, the client learns self reliance in all aspects of their life, gaining tools that they will use long after the coaching relationship ends.

Journey 3 — Improve your Relationships with Others

Communication. Consent. Care.


Building Bonds…

These couples and/or group sessions continue the focus on Whole Person Coaching methods, while considering the deeper impact each person has on their partners, lovers, family and friends. Ethics, attachment styles, and deep communication building are at the center of this work, whether you are practicing polyamory, various open relationship structures, or more traditional monogamy. In addition to active communication and relationship goal setting, sessions may include parter meditation, body awareness work, and gentle, physical movement.

(45 min session $230/ sliding scale available upon request)

Start Your Coaching Journey NOW!